

Everyday, we wake up. We get out of bed, brush our teeth, and get ready for whatever the day has to give us. So many people can do this everyday, unfazed and unbothered by the routine off it all. I think about a life filled with that sort of routine and every bone in my body screams no. I want a life filled with so much more than  routine. I want a life where I am constantly making life changing decisions that make my heart race and my head spin. I want a life where I am constantly ready to jump.

I shouldn’t be the only one though. As Christians, we are called to jump. We are called to be ready for Jesus to lead us onto the path least expected and walk the path with pride and confidence that we are protected by him. Psalms 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.” We are always supposed to put that fear aside when it comes to God. We don’t have to be afraid of our future because it is literally held in the hands of our Creator (who so obviously loves us!).

So often I find myself second guessing a decision or a choice because of a fear of failure. As much as I want to be the person who fully and whole heartedly has faith in God, sometimes I’m not that person. Sometimes I pass on opportunities or decline offers because I think about all the “what if’s…”

“What if I don’t make enough money?

“What if they don’t feel the same way?”

“What if I do it wrong?”

“What if I fail?”

These are all questions I’ve asked myself. The good thing is though, I still have so much life to live. I have so many more moments I can say yes to and so many more days on this earth to “jump.” My challenge for myself, and for everyone else, is to take a chance on saying yes. Follow your heart and follow whatever God tells you (even if it’s scary!) because chances are, your life will be so much more joy-filled than before. I cannot wait to fill my life with all the amazing adventures God has in store all because I decided to jump, and I hope you do too!


10 Things I Know About Jesus

Jesus used to be this big, scary, intimidating figure in my mind that made me fearful of religion and fearful of my faith. What I’ve learned though, is that while Jesus is a larger than life figure he’s not scary, and he’s not just in my head. He is real and powerful and more loving than anyone or anything on this Earth ever could be. These are just a few things I’ve learned about Jesus!

  1. He knows you. He knows you and he loves you not because of all your beauty but in spite of all your ugly. He praises the good things you do but will never cease to forgive the bad things.But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved. – Ephesians 2:4-5
  2. Your sin is equal. You are not better or worse than the person next to you. Which means you have no room to judge others! God will do that when the time comes (and his judgement is probably a little more important).For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it. – Jame 2:1-
  3. You were not given a mouth to speak negativity, and you weren’t given ears to listen to all the bad this world has. Always speak positivity, and always remember to listen to the best in the world!Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. – Philippians 4:8
  4. Every step you take, and every thought you’ve had has a purpose. You were made with a purpose. Nothing you’ve done has gone without reason behind it, so make sure you make your decisions and choices based on that purpose.There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens – Ecclesiastes 3:1
  5. He loves you more than the birds in the sky and the trees in the ground. With all that love given to you, don’t forget to show it to someone else.Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? – Matthew 6:26
  6. Given the chance, He would die for you time and time again. Make every second of your life worth that death.We despised him and rejected him;
    he endured suffering and pain.
    No one would even look at him—
    we ignored him as if he were nothing.
    “But he endured the suffering that should have been ours,
    the pain that we should have borne.
    All the while we thought that his suffering
    was punishment sent by God.
    But because of our sins he was wounded,
    beaten because of the evil we did.
    We are healed by the punishment he suffered,
    made whole by the blows he received.
    Isaiah 53:3-5
  7. You have been instilled with a strength that can overcome everything life throws at you. You will never not be able to handle life’s struggles.Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6
  8. Jesus radiated love and mercy in every aspect of his life. He did that through the trials and hardships of his life, do the same to others.This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. – 1 John 3:16-18
  9. Jesus didn’t act unkind. Jesus didn’t hate. Jesus didn’t cast judgement. You are more than capable of treating people with the same attitude!But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness, as long as I live, so that I may not be killed – 1 Samuel 20:14
  10. He always wants what’s best for you. Even if it’s not exactly what you think is best for you, it will always be the best and most positive impact in your life!“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you, and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future” – Jeremiah 29:11

Always find new ways to learn about Jesus. Stay curious about His life, and His promises and everything else will fall into place. 

– Baylee

So Will I

Over the course of this summer, I have traveled to three major places. New York City, Cozumel, Mexico, and Colorado/ New Mexico. I fell in love with the atmosphere and the fast pace lifestyle of New York, the bright blue waters of Cozumel, and the natural beauty of Colorado. While the three places couldn’t be any different from one another, one thing that was unanimous in all three was the pure awe and amazement I felt in every second of every trip.

The world is so much bigger and so much more beautifully diverse than any one person could ever comprehend. From the depths of the oceans in Cozumel to the tops of the Rockies in Colorado to the bright lights of New York, I felt small. I felt tiny and insignificant to the world. But then I think of John 15:16, “You didn’t choose me, I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit so whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” And I’m reminded of a God who would choose me over every mountain, valley, ocean, and skyline. His love for you has no boundaries, no restrictions, and no ulterior motives. Which, guys…that is a miracle in itself! Worldly love will never be as pure as the love God has.

I think about how mind blowing-ly huge our world is, and I’m even more mind blown when I remember that our God is even bigger!!! We each have our own plans and decisions in life but what’s funny, is that God just throws those plans out the window. He knows how much better we will be when we do what he wants. Things of this world and the thoughts we have can be large, but no where near God’s thoughts and plans for us.

I believe in a God of miracles. A God who, regardless of all the other aspects of this world, will love you and take care of you as if you were the only thing that mattered. This world is big, and beautiful, and complicated but one thing that could ever be complicated is his love and his plan for you. It is okay to feel small in the eyes of the world but in the eyes of God, you are not small and you are not insignificant. You are big, and important, and loved beyond believe. Never forget that.

I have learned that if the mountains and rivers and oceans of this world can praise your name, So Will I.

The Good The Bad and The Ugly

I want to start off by saying everyone has bad days.

On Sunday I woke up in a mood, went to church in a mood, went to lunch in a mood and finally went to Old Navy in a mood. I don’t think I was visibly moody. That’s untrue, I’m pretty sure Garrett was able to tell. But I left Old Navy not so much in a mood as I was sad. I felt like quite a mess to be completely honest. My head was spinning because this time of year, life seems to go so fast. Like one day it’s Thanksgiving and then BOOM! It’s a week ’til Christmas break and you’re broke, stressed and freaking out about presents and final grades! I was so worried about money and gifts as well as the 8 exams and 2 projects that were fast approaching (Finals- tis the season right?) that when I drove back to campus and got to my room, I sat and cried about how wrong things were going. I remember thinking to myself, “My life really sucks.” Now, obviously looking back now I know my life does not by any means suck. “I’m better than I deserve” -a saying my Papa tells us pretty frequently meaning that my life is so much more blessed than I should have. But regardless, I felt hopeless, defeated, and tired…

Butthe best part about each day is that it’s only 24 hours

That’s 1440 minutes

Of an entire lifetime of days.

You get 8760 hours in a year!! That’s so much time to have good days!

My next day (Monday) was a prime example of that. I woke up, ready to take on the next day. I took an exam and got an A on it to start with so that was such a good start to an already better day. I only have one class on Monday’s so immediately after, I thought I would go shopping for Christmas gifts and I’m not gonna lie to you- ya girl is on a tight budget this year. College doesn’t pay too well. But I got so much stuff for such a good price! What made me happiest about this was that I was going to get to see the people I love with big smiles on their faces on my favorite day of the year. And last but not least, I received an email from a company interested in hiring me on as an intern. This internship would be SUCH a blessing and I was so excited to hear from them (fyi, prayers are 100% appreciated for this internship!).

My point is, bad days happen. Heck, even Jesus had bad days! Days where he was misunderstood, untrusted, and even harmed. This never stopped him from beginning the next day with a positive attitude. It’s human nature to have days where we don’t feel our best and frankly, I’m grateful for those bad days. If my day hadn’t been so bad Sunday, I may not have appreciated my Monday half as much. This world is so temporary, your bad days will end and your good days will too. Have fun each day and live to the fullest!

Also! Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday season! I am so excited for school to be over and to be home with my family. Pray for my finals- I’m gonna need it. Have a great week!


Hey friends! Long time no post!

This semester has been a busy one! I wanna talk about the new chapter I’m in currently.
What I can best compare it to is the seasons of the year; winter, spring, summer, fall. In most places you go through winter, spring, summer, and fall every year but if you’re in Texas, you may only experience summer, fall, and maybe a short winter…It was 70 degrees on Christmas this past year y’all.

This past semester was definitely best compared to fall and winter for me. I started out with high hopes of something good, and slowly I lost that hope, and that energy I had going in. I was going out with friends less and less and I really wasn’t trying to get involved. This is “fall” for me; it was the fall of my excitement for college, and a fall of my happiness. I was in a part of my life that felt very lost and empty. I was struggling with college and making friends and really feeling as though I was apart of something. When I was at this point, I wanted to go home to be with family and friends who I felt safe and familiar with. To me, winter is the cold, rainy, and gross part of the year and all you want to do is get warm and feel at home. I look back on that person I was, only a short while ago, and my heart literally breaks for her! She was so lucky to have such a brand new slate to start on, a new place to begin. I lost touch with who I was, and who I was striving to become.


Then came Spring.

I returned for my second semester refreshed after a long Christmas break and ready to make myself better and put myself out there. I was taking initiative to join more clubs, pushing myself to consistently make time for friends, and working harder to do better in school. I got an amazing job working for a wedding planner that I love. I joined a Christian Sorority called Sigma Phi Lambda and my heart was completely in awe of how God put a group of girls in my life that would constantly make me laugh, and make me fall more in love with Jesus. There’s a lot of negative connotations surrounding sororities but let me tell you this; I have never met a group of girls so capable of making everyone around them feel welcomed and wanted. For that, I will always be grateful for. Spring is full of new beginnings and fresh starts. I definitely feel as though I’ve gotten that this semester. I’m happier than ever, I’m doing so well in school and my friends are the best (both in and out of Phi Lamb!)

Summer will be another new chapter. Full of new adventures and memories made with my friends and family. This is a chapter of my life I’m particularly excited for because I get to experience my life without school and nothing but fun (besides work, but that’s fun for me too!!). Stay tuned for more!


p.s I opened an etsy account!!! I paint cute stuff on shoes, journals, bibles, etc… Check it out:


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Exist Loudly.


“Exist Loudly.”

Words that are constantly rattling in my brain. Funnily enough, these aren’t words that are my own, nor are they poetic literature from a book. They are words that I came across at random, on a girl’s (who I do not know) Twitter page.

To me, “existing loudly” can mean a world of things. It doesn’t have to be verbally loud or anything, I think it means more so just being an honest and bold person. I think even the most quiet person can emulate boldness by working towards a goal or doing something they care deeply about.

Boldness can be speaking in a crowd, standing up for your beliefs. Or boldness can be praying on your knees, when your world is crashing down. The wonderful thing about the words “exist loudly” is that you can make them your own and conquer whatever is that is in your way.

This includes being meek. Meekness does not mean weak! So often it can be misinterpreted as a negative but Matthew 5:5 says “Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.” Those who are gentle, are so much stronger than you know. In 2 Corinthians 3:12, the Bible states, ” Since we have such hope, we are bold.” Your hope is so much more bold than anything else in this world. Just by believing in something you are more brave than you realize.

Your silence is bold. Your praying is bold. Your shouting and crying and hard work is bold. But, boldness only rings true when you are working towards the good. Goodness overcomes everything else and if you work to achieve that goodness by living a life worth loving; you are bold.

One of my favorite quotes is, “Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” Don’t ever let someone push aside your dreams! Be happy and keep your head held high.  Pursue boldness, be fearless, and exist loudly.


New Path

You are never too sad tosmile

you are never too old to color outside the lines 

you are never too smart to ask questions

and you are never too late to change course.

You are allowed to change your mind and have new opinions and see things clearly and have an entirely new perspective on life every single day. There is never a moment in your life before this one that you could have been smarter or funnier or more wise because this very moment you are experiencing something completely different than before. Countless of times I have sat down feeling like I was in a rut and like I wasn’t going to be as successful or important as I had always dreamed and it freaked me out. Like  true heart racing, mind spiraling, life changing moments that genuinely scared me. I constantly compare my successes or my failures to others and it is tiring. 

We go through life with these expectations of ourselves and of one another (parents with their kids, kids with their parents, parents with themselves, kids with their futures) and honestly guys, it is sad. These expectations are holding us back from so many amazing opportunities that we may have never had if we had our mind set on one pathway. Now, obviously I know some expectations are positive. Like expecting you child to graduate high school or counting on your friends to lift you up (or bring you back down to earth when necessary). But sometimes, parents expect a certain pathway after high school and the stress to live up to that can be unbearable and kids expect too much without putting forward enough effort.

When I was a senior in high school, I had so many expectations in life. I would go to Texas A&M University, I would get a degree in two years, find an amazing job right off the bat and live happily ever after (I obviously hadn’t thought much after college- all I knew is I wanted to plan parties and own lots of dogs). But here I am, a completely different university, completely different major, and an entirely new outlook on life. Still however, I find myself comparing my friends and their journeys to my own and it really lowers my confidence. Not thinking of the fact that I’m not even in remotely the same boat as my friends!!! I really want to stop doing that; the comparison thing. 

I propose we all find our own path. We all do our own thing and take pride in whatever decisions in life we make because in the long run, it will all come together. Our paths were set out a long time ago and no matter how hard we try, we will always come back to right where we’re supposed to be. Besides, your journey is worth so much more than your destination. Never forget how you got there and how hard you worked to become the best version of yourself. There is ALWAYS a different route for every single person. So stop comparing, stop sticking to one idea, just start living your best and most honest life. Be happy with your own life and strive towards your own greatness. 


Self Worth > GPA


Hello everyone!

Wow my posts seem to be getting less and less frequent huh? I’m really sorry and I promise I’m doing good-so good that I’ve been too busy to post! I’ve spent the last few weeks soaking up as much love from my family until we were juuuuust sick enough of each other. I then headed to Indiana to visit some amazing friends who I hadn’t seen in way too long (pictures to come!!).

I’ve just gotten back to Texas State for my second semester! I’m incredibly thrilled to be back and even more thrilled to have my first day of classes canceled. It’s funny because both first days of class this year have been canceled (thanks Hurricane Harvey & random Texas freezes).

Every semester I try and go in with an “all A’s” attitude but unfortunately, I have been less than successful on that goal. But this year will be different, I will not give myself the goal of all A’s. I will give myself the goal of working hard and striving towards my own standard of success. Too often do students rate their knowledge and understanding of things by a GPA and I am here to say: no more! While yes a GPA is important and you should work hard for it, it is not what defines you as a smart and valued human being. Your self worth is found in so much more than your grades. It is found in the books you read, the people you love, the things that make you smile and the things that make you think. It is found in the values you have and the goals you strive for. Nothing is more defining of you than yourself.

I am excited to work hard this year in my classes but not as excited as I am to reach out and become more involved in the campus life. I plan on working hard to join (and be active in) clubs, class discussions, and I may even join a sorority! I’m praying for an internship that will hopefully open up awesome new doors for me. This semester already feels like one full of growth and exciting new parts of my life. I can’t wait to dive deeper!

So, this semester, whether it be a school semester or just a new chapter of life, strive for your own standard of greatness. Don’t conform for those who don’t agree! Bernard Baruch once said, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter won’t mind.” Just know that you are wonderful and powerful and exceptionally talented at something in this world (and half the excitement in life is finding out what that is!).

Pave your own road and show that there is always another route for success.


17 Reasons in 2018

Happy New Years Eve!!! 2017 has been both good and bad. I swear I say that every year but this year it really rings true! I started college this yearmy family moved 3 hours away, I turned 18 (woo hoo legal!!) and so many other things.

I really want to do 17 things I learned in 2017, but before I start I want to let y’all know how much thought I had to put into this! I learned a lot of course this year but trying to reflect on all of that was a bit overwhelming! I hope everyone reading this takes a minute to reflect on their 2017 and what they want going into 2018.

  1. Your opinion matters. Don’t let others belittle you just because they don’t agree.
  2. There are infinite reasons to be happy and only you can decide to be happy; find a reason and let it consume your soul.
  3. Jesus is always the answer.
  4. Create a life you love, I cannot stress how important this is.
  5. (related to #4) Your life is your own- no one can keep you from creating that life.
  6. Always choose honesty, but honesty does not take away from kindness; do both.
  7. TRY NEW THINGS. You will never ever get a second chance on this earth!! Even if you’re scared, even if you know it’s going to be hard. Push yourself and never stop discovering new things!
  8. Heartbreaks happen, but you are stronger.
  9. Pray pray pray.
  10. Opinions of you are not a true reflection of who you are.
  11. Work on yourself. Never stop reflecting on yourself and always take the time to take care of your mind, body and soul.
  12. Constantly complaining does nothing but bring you, and the people around you, down (I’m still working on this one)
  13. The world is beautiful but sometimes in the messiness of human nature, that beauty can be hidden. Never stop searching for that hidden beauty.
  14. People are born kind and taught hate. Those teachings can be reversed with love and knowledge.
  15. You are never too old to call your mom and cry.
  16. It’s okay to be sad. But don’t let that sadness become a permanent part of your heart.
  17. You have never and will never be the same person you are in this exact moment. Do not waste these moments on hate or negativity and always always choose to love.
  18. (this is one in celebration of the new year- go in with this attitude!) Never give less than 100% of your heart, mind, and soul. We need to move past the trend of “not caring” and care more than ever. In such a crazy world, we could always use more love and knowledge.

For 2018 I wish you all a year of growth, joy, love, and knowledge. You have all the potential to be happy and paint your world in different shades of yellow.

Happy New Year my friends!

Reason For the Season

Hey everyone Merry Christmas Eve Eve! So…it’s been a while. I’ve been busy with family and finals and work (YA GIRL GOT A JOB) and just haven’t really made time to write a blog post!

Let’s talk about something coming up- CHRISTMAS! Oh. My. Goodness. I have been ready for this season since the beginning of November. Christmas is my favorite time of the year because it really does make you feel warm and happy all over. But recently, I’ve seen people my age saying things like “the holidays don’t feel different than any other day” and that honestly breaks my heart. I get it, the older you get the less holidays feel magical and special but that’s our own fault! Christmas is not just another day. We have the power to make these days feel so special and surround ourselves with the people we love.

This time of the year can be made special by giving to others and just letting yourself be overcome with joy. Seriously two of the easiest things to do! When I say giving, it doesn’t have to be extravagant gifts, it just means giving love and company and just time spent focusing on others. The pure happiness that people can get from having friends and family all together enjoying themselves cannot be matched. And joy…one of my favorite words. The word means “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness” and that’s what I love to feel around this time of year!!! I cannot stress how important it is to be happy during Christmas. There is too much negativity in the world to not be happy at least one day a year.

Christmas never changes, the only thing that does is our attitudes. The bible talks about how you should continue to have a childlike faith your entire life- Christmas is no different! So this year drink some eggnog, decorate some cookies, go to church, enjoy your family and just have the absolute best time you can.

Merry Christmas everyone and again- I am SO SORRY about the late upload and irregular posting…things will be back on track from now on. Hope everyone enjoys their time with family and friends this holiday season ♡